Stitching notes ~ Interesting reading

Stitching notes

Learning about how different people in the quilting industry work is always something I find interesting. We all have our own ways of getting things done and we all work on different types of projects. I thought it might be fun to go through a typical work day for me, to give you a glimpse into how I work. Primarily, I work from home and split my time between writing, publishing sewing patterns, designing fabric, magazine and bookwork, and teaching locally. I am a one-woman show, so I wear a lot of different hats throughout the day.


I startmy day around 7am. I would like to get up earlier, but I love to stay up late, so it's hard to do both! First thing after I wake up, I like to grab my caffeine and sit on the couch with my laptop. Work has already begun as I browse new posts from the quilting blogs I subscribe to, take a quick look at my email and do a bit of pinning on Pinterest If there is anything urgent that I need to attend to, I will respond to some emails right away. Otherwise, I enjoy my breakfast and head to the shower.

Once I'm ready for the day, I dive back into my inbox and my to-do list. I generally like to splitmy day into two halves. I am more alert and focused in the morning, so I try to spend the morning working on tasks that require my full attention like writing, math for a new quilt and fabric design. I also spend time packing and shipping any pattern orders I have had overnight.


I n the afternoon, I like to focus more on any sewing that needs to be done. This may be a new project for my blog,a project to promote a new fabric collection or pattern, or a project for a publication. I generally have a few different projects going on at once so I often prioritize, depending on what kind of deadlines I have. This is when I can turn on a favorite TV show or movie, and sew away.

Late in the afternoon, I usually make a run to the grocery store or post office. My attention level is lowest att his time, so I find it is a good time to run errands. I live with my significant other, Michael, and since he leaves home for work, I also take care of most of the housework. So, in between sewing and cutting, I am putting in a load of laundry, doing dishesor whatever else needs to be done to keep our home in working order.

If I have a really busy week, I will often fold and stuff patterns, or do some block trimming in the evenings. I try to choose something I can do while I spend time unwinding with Michael. When I teach locally, it is usually during the evenings, so that may fill my evening as well.