How planets form ~ Interesting reading

How planets form

In a sense, planetary birth is a side effect of a larger birth: the formation of a star. Stars form from nebulas, massive clouds of gas and dust dominated by hydrogen and helium. Now and then, a disturbance in a nebula concentrates an area of gas and dust into a denser knot of material If the knot is big enough and dense enough, it will exert enough gravitational pull to collapse in on itself. The huge volume of super-dense gas concentrates at the knot's centre, and the gravitational energy heats it up to form a protostar. With sufficient mass, the energy of the protostar increases, eventually initiating a nuclear fusion reaction and graduating to a proper star.

Meanwhile, according to the solar nebula theory, surrounding gas and dust form a protoplanetary disc, or proplyd, around the protostar. When the protostar first begins to form, the surrounding material is still an unordered, slowly churning cloud. But the protostar's growing gravitational pull accelerates the cloud's movement, causing it to swirl around the centre.

As the swirling mass speeds up, it flattens out, forming a thin disc, packed with all the material that will eventually coalesce into planets. As well as explaining how planets form, the solar nebula theory also explains why solar systems take the form they do. The planets all revolve in the same direction around a central star, in the same plane, because that's how the material disc originally swirled around the protostar.

Exactly how it all comes about is still up for debate, and there may actually be many different planet formation processes. The prevailing understanding, called the accretion model, is that planet formation begins when individual bits of matter in the disc clump together into bigger chunks. The accretion model seems to be correct at least in the case of rocky terrestrial planets, like Earth and Mars, which form from silicates and heavier metal, such as iron and nickel.

Astronomers generally agree that a planet like ours begins with an invisible piece of dust. Microscopic grains in the disc grow by condensation, the same process behind snowflake formation. In condensation, individual heavy gas atoms or molecules stick to a grain, rapidly expanding its size into a more substantial solid particle.

When the particles are very small and light, turbulent gas motions stir them up, swirling them outside the flat plane of the proplyd. But when they reach sufficient mass they're heavy enough to settle into the relatively tliin rotating disc. In the crowded disc, particles collide more frequently, speeding up the growth of larger and larger chunks.

At about the point a chunk of solid matter grows to a kilometre across, it graduates to a planetesimal. A planetesimal is massive enough that its gravitational pull attracts smaller chunks of matter, accelerating the rate of growth. The result is a relatively small number of planetesimals steadily capturing the smaller chunks and particles in the disc.

When a terrestrial planetesimal grows large enough, the energy of many collisions along with radioactive material it's accreted heat everything to melting point. As a melted mass, the planetesimal's structure can reform. In a process called differentiation, the force of gravity concentrates the melted metals into an inner core, surrounded by an outer crust of lighter rocky silicates. The result is a protoplanet, an asteroid-like mass with distinct layers. Over time, gravity evens out the protoplanet's shape, forming it into a sphere.

A terrestrial planet might form an atmosphere layer through outgassing. Essentially, heat from the planet's interior core unlocks gases trapped in the planet's solid and molten interior. Planets might then add to this atmosphere through encounters with other solar system bodies.

As the diversity of our own Solar System demonstrates, atmospheres vary a great deal. Any particular atmospheric recipe requires not only the right mix of planetary matter, but also a precise balance of planetary size and proximity to the central star. When a smaller planet orbits very close to a star, like Mercury, the Sun's heat blasts away any atmosphere, leaving a barren rock. Meanwhile, a planet like Mars is so far from the Sun that all its water is locked up in ice. But just a bit further in, you get Earth - a planet that's the right size and in the right position to form a robust atmosphere that could support life.

While there is general agreement among astronomers that terrestrial planets formed along these lines, the origins of Jovian gas giant planets, like Jupiter and Satum, are less certain. One possibility is they start out the same basic way as terrestrial planets, steadily accreting solid matter to form a massive protoplanet. If it grows large enough - about 15 times the size of Earth - such a protoplanet exerts a strong enough gravitational pull to capture hydrogen and helium gas in the proplyd. The gaseous mass then sweeps up more material, growing into a Jovian behemoth.

There is a relatively small supply of heavy metals and silicate in a proplyd making it unlikely that a protoplanet could accumulate enough metal and rocky material to reach the size necessary to hold on to hydrogen and helium gas. Instead, this model says, the initial planetary core of a Jovian planet forms out of frozen hydrogen compounds, such as methane, ammonia and water. Near the centre of a proplyd, the developing protostar makes it too hot for hydrogen compounds to condense into frozen solids. They remain in gaseous form and so do not accrete to developing planetesimals. But if you move far enough away from the hot protostar past what's called the frost line, the temperature drops low enough that hydrogen compounds can freeze. With a much more abundant supply of solid material, large icy protoplanets can form and capture the swirling hydrogen and helium gas.

The organisation of our Solar System supports this theory. The inner planets, Mercury, Venus. Earth and Mars are all relatively small and rocky, suggesting forming giant icy or gaseous planets wasn't possible close to the Sun, while the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn. Uranus and Neptune, are much larger.

The chief argument against the accretion model for Jovian planets is timing. In well-supported models of solar system evolution, there simply isn't enough time to grow the massive icy cores before the developing solar system loses the bulk of its hydrogen and helium gas supply. While the lighter gases are the dominant material during the proplyd's early life, their days are numbered. In the case of our own Solar System, some 10 million years after the Sun first formed as a protostar, the energy of nuclear fusion reactions likely produced powerful solar winds that would have cleared out the remaining gas in the proplyd. That's a tight window for Jovian gas giants to form.

And neighbouring stars may lead to the window shrinking even further. Astronomers believe that stars generally form in clusters that contain massive, hot stars. Calculations say radiation from these stars would accelerate the evaporation of gaseous material in nearby proplyds, shrinking the period of plentiful hydrogen and helium to between 100,000 and 1 million years. That doesn't appear to be enough time for a Jovian gas giant to form through the accretion model, yet observations of distant solar systems show that these gas giants are very common.

An alternative theory, known as the gas collapse model, presents a faster formation scenario. According to this model, gas giants form directly from the swirling hydrogen and helium in a developing proplyd. As the material revolves around the protostar, turbulence in the disc distributes it unevenly. This unevenness forms knots of dense gas. When enough gas is concentrated tightly enough, its dense mass causes it to collapse in on itself, forming a giant gas ball. To put it another way, the gas giant is like a failed star. It forms the same basic way as the protostar, but doesn't have sufficient mass and energy for a nuclear fusion reaction.

The embryonic planet's gravitational pull takes over from there, sweeping up massive amounts of gas, as well as any solids in the vicinity, quickly adding to its bulk. Collected ice and metals condense at the planet's centre, forming a solid core after the gas has accumulated, rather than before. The whole process might happen as quickly as a few hundred years.

Observations of Jovian exoplanets (planets located outside our Solar System) have given some credence to this model - or at least challenged the Jovian accretion model. In the wave of exoplanet discoveries over the past 25 years, one of the biggest surprises has been the so-called 'hot Jupiters', Jovian gas giants that orbit very close to their suns. These planets would seem to contradict the notion that gas giants only form beyond the frost line. However, they may have formed further out. but then migrated towards their suns.

A host of exoplanet discoveries have given astronomers a much bigger picture of the range of possible planets, which has yielded new clues about how planets might form. But examining the end results can only tell them so much. Fortunately, we're likely entering a new era of direct proplyd observation, thanks to advances in telescopic technology. The new Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescope in Chile, which should be fully operational in March, has already yielded unprecedented images of planet formation in progress. As new discoveries follow, astronomers expect to fill in more pieces of the puzzle, taking us ever closer to understanding how our planet, and by extension all of us, came to be.