It's easy being green ~ Interesting reading

It's easy being green

Increasingly, Australians are becoming conscious consumers, paying greater attention to their impact on the environment as a result of the products they purchase. Sustainable practice is at the heart of this awareness, as a trend towards recycled materials, fair trade, organic farming and renewable energy sources continues to grow. Since 2009, with the aid of Australian government initiatives and incentives, the movement towards energy efficiency has been strong.

Despite constant debate, solar power is consistently proven to be a reliable, clean and affordable means of energy efficiency. Solar power works by capturing the sun's energy to generate electricity, a much cleaner way of gathering power than traditional black power.  According to the Australian Government Department of Industry and Science, as of February 2015 more than 1.36 million rooftop systems have been installed across Australia.

One of the major benefits of solar power, despite its sustainable value, is its cost benefits as it provides users long-term savings. Upfront costs may be expensive, but once installed, solar power units require little maintenance and can be expected to last for 20 years or more. Energy Matters CEO and co-founder, Jeremy Rich, says Australia has some of the biggest electricity networks in the world. Transmission of energy across these large systems is expensive and is usually reflected in high power bills. "The benefit of solar power is that it delivers power locally," he says. This makes solar power an attractive option for regional areas as it brings the source of the power closer to the home and greater savings can be achieved on power bills.

"Regional areas are great; homes generally have bigger roofs so more panels can be incorporated into the design," continues Jeremy. "In the city you may only knock out half of your power bill as networks are closer to you. All in all, everyone can save money — some may just save more in different areas."

Solar power systems can be added at any time but roofs will need to be secured before any panels can be added. Any type of home can accommodate solar power panels — whether it is a custom-built, prefab or kit home — as long as the roof can handle the weight of the panels. Currently there are upfront federal incentives under the renewable energy target. "Many people don't realise this is still available," saysjeremy. "About $3000 can be deducted by incentives depending on the system." A 5kW system (20 panels) will usually cost around $10,000; minus the subsidy you could be around $7000 out of pocket.


Energy Matters is now making an impact on the market by offering solar energy for direct purchase. "With SunEdison, we are bringing the US method of going solar to the market," saysjeremy. "Typically, owning and operating a solar power system will save a customer 20 per cent on energy — we do it as a service, not as a product. We are special and unique in this way as we sell the energy from the system, which means you are guaranteed to save. The system has remote monitoring 24 hours a day and built-in insurance so if anything fails we can fix it. We also take full risk on the performance."

This system is rapidly growing in the US market and is sure to be a viable alternative for those wanting solar power without investing in their own system.


To ensure the best results, make sure you work with a retailer accredited by the Clean Energy Australia Council. Accredited installers will work through all agreements, installation procedures and consumer protection.

Make sure your chosen builder/retailer has case studies or testimonials of prior jobs. This will give you a good indication of the company work ethic and whether or not they can take on your particular job. Check how long the company has been operating. Those with the right values and reputable products will have been in business for longer.